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I.P.A (Not the Alcoholic Beverage)


The Arduous Addiction program can be simplified into this acronym: I.P.A., just three steps to change your life forever. Don't get too excited yet, just because this is only three steps compared to AA or NA's 12 doesn't mean that this program is easy. I.P.A., or Identify, Plan, Act is the simplest way to describe our program. In short, to overcome addiction or any other problem you may be facing, you must identify the problem, plan out how you are going to fix the problem, and then act on your plan. This is something you can do at home completely by yourself, or you can book a 1-on-1 coaching appointment through our website to work on it with someone who has taken these steps previously and continues to do so.


This step is about looking inside yourself and uncovering your trauma and shortcomings. If it is a drug addiction you are struggling with, don't just write "I'm addicted to drugs." Let's get a little deeper than that. Maybe you use drugs because you are bored. Write that down. Maybe it's because you feel alone. Write it down. Don't just look into what the problem is, try to do some digging into the why. Don't get caught up for too long though, even to this day, I can't give you a definitive answer on why I used drugs. Sometimes it was boredom, sometimes sadness, and sometimes, I just did it because I felt like it. Don't spend hours digging for an answer that even a professional couldn't give you. Once you are satisfied with how you have identified your problem, you can move to the next step.


Planning is probably the easiest step, but make sure your plan is realistic and put some real thought into it. For example, if you wrote down something like "I do drugs when I am bored and when I am sad," then your plan should be aimed at tackling boredom and sadness. Remember, drug addiction isn't your problem; it's your solution. Drug addiction, or any other addiction, is simply a side effect of a deeper problem. If your problem is using drugs because of boredom and sadness, then your plan could be to exercise daily and learn a skill. If you are bored, fill your time with something useful that will make you feel fulfilled. Start a business, pick up an extra shift, go back to school. When I was identifying my problem, I found out that I used drugs because I was bored and sad, and my plan was to work out daily and eat healthily. I also started learning skills online for starting a business. My days previously consisted of my day job, call of duty, scrolling TikTok, going to sleep, then waking up and doing it again. A complete waste of time. Nowadays, my days consist of my day job, working out, work on building my business, go to sleep. I usually don't indulge myself, but when I do, I have a rule that it will be for no longer than 30 minutes. Maybe one or two nights a week, I want to watch a TV show. I will do it but for no longer than 30 minutes. My life is so much more fulfilling. I am no longer sad or anxious, and the biggest win of all, I am sober and do not feel inclined to use drugs.


You, too, can be a productive person who gets up and gets it done. The last step is the hardest, and if you do it right, it never ends, but it will be more satisfying than anything you have ever done. Action. There isn't a lot for me to explain here, you get the point by now. Take action. Get into it. Start right now. The longer you wait to get going, the less likely you are to ever start. Follow your plan, and add extra things to your plan once you are comfortable with working all the time while you are awake. All the things that are worth doing in life are hard, and I won't sugarcoat it for you: if you are doing it right, then this will be the hardest that you have ever done in your life. But I promise you it is worth it. Stop waiting for things to happen in your life; you

have to be your own luck. Once you start working to make things happen in your life, then you will get what you worked for.



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