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How to Analyze Your Addiction


Before you can make improvements through our program, you must analyze your shortcomings. When you are making a list of your failures/ things about yourself that you would like to change, don't just focus on addiction, focus on who you are as a person. It might be frightening to admit, I know that it was discouraging to see all the horrible things that I wrote about myself, but brutal honesty is what we are looking for. No BS, no sugarcoating, really get down to business and search the deep corners of yourself to find the things you don't like because how will you change if you don't know what you are trying to change? For example, my list included some things like "liar, lazy, selfish...". Once you have your list, you can get to work. Most people will have at least ten things written down, and there is no need to try to tackle this laundry list all at once. Pick the one that you dislike the most about yourself, and think of an action that will combat it. For example, if you wrote down "I'm fat," you can pick an action like "go on a run every day." For a mental trait that you dislike, like "Liar," you can pick an action like "When I tell a lie, immediately catch myself and tell the person that I lied to that I lied." That's a difficult one, but I did it. It's uncomfortable and embarrassing, but growth occurs when you are uncomfortable. Work your way through the list until the actions that you chose become a habit. Make sure to reflect often and honestly to gauge your progress and see if there are any new dislikeable qualities that you need to improve upon. You can build yourself into the person that you want to be and know you can be. Don't waste your potential.



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